SuperFabric® A Cut Above

SuperFabric® is a HexArmor exclusively licensed solution* that protects against the most dangerous hazards encountered on the job – blades, wire, metal, glass, and needles – preventing life-changing injuries and saving companies millions in medical expenses. The configuration of tiny guard plates on SuperFabric® protect against cut, puncture and needlestick injuries, without sacrificing dexterity.

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SuperFabric Brand Material | Safety Redefined | HexArmor®

Armor Inside

SuperFabric® protection can be found inside a broad range of HexArmor PPE offerings. Workers in construction, oil and gas, mining, lumber, utilities and more have benefitted from the added protection layers and quality construction of our hand, arm and body safety products. HexArmor’s mission to send every worker home safe, every day, starts with our commitment to give you confidence every time you gear up.

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cut protection superfabric

Unmatched Cut Protection with SuperFabric®

SuperFabric® brand materials provide ISEA/ANSI level A6-A9 cut resistance and exceed CE Level 5 cut resistance. The configuration of tiny guard plates doesn't allow these hazards to find a "window" to penetrate the skin's surface.

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puncture resistance superfabric

SuperFabric® Puncture Resistance

SuperFabric® brand materials are engineered to deflect and block everything from industrial puncture hazards as thick as a wood splinter, to a single wire strand from a steel braided cable. The spacing between the guard plates provides needed flexibility without sacrificing performance.

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needlestick test gloves

SuperFabric® Needlestick Protection

HexArmor® needlestick-resistant products work by layering flexible SuperFabric® brand materials over each other; providing superior performance without sacrificing dexterity. SuperFabric® guard plates either block and deflect or trap and arrest needle hazards in the small gaps found between guard plates, keeping workers safe from needlestick injuries.

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